Walsh Family Farm History
Art and Dick Walsh formed Walsh Bros. after Dick returned from service in WWI. Swine production began in 1919 with the purchase of registered Duroc breeding stock. In 1937 they added their first Purebred Hampshires and from 1943-1953 they also had Spotted Poland Chinas.
The Hampshire herd is one of the 20 oldest Hampshire herds in the nation. Auction sales have been held on the farm from 1925-2014 with the exception of 1932-1936, when they were hit hard by the depression.
In 1976 the Walsh family added Yorkshire breeding stock. Over the years buyers from 34 states plus Italy, France, Germany, Mexico, Canada, Japan and Taiwan have purchased Walsh stock.
Walsh Family Farm is the only farm to have two individuals win the WI Pork Producers WI State Fair Hall of Fame. Jim Walsh, received the award in 1993 and thirty years later Tom Walsh, received the award in 2023. We are very proud of the efforts these guys put into the pork industry and the WI State fair to be recipients of this prestigious award.
The Hampshire herd is one of the 20 oldest Hampshire herds in the nation. Auction sales have been held on the farm from 1925-2014 with the exception of 1932-1936, when they were hit hard by the depression.
In 1976 the Walsh family added Yorkshire breeding stock. Over the years buyers from 34 states plus Italy, France, Germany, Mexico, Canada, Japan and Taiwan have purchased Walsh stock.
Walsh Family Farm is the only farm to have two individuals win the WI Pork Producers WI State Fair Hall of Fame. Jim Walsh, received the award in 1993 and thirty years later Tom Walsh, received the award in 2023. We are very proud of the efforts these guys put into the pork industry and the WI State fair to be recipients of this prestigious award.